Writing for the Web

In today’s digital world, more often than not people turn to the web to find the information that they are looking for. Whether a quick browse through a blog site or a search for the latest trending topics, the web will most likely have the answer you are looking for. If you want to attract readers to your website you’ll need to be sure to adjust your writing so that it works for the web.

Here are three key pointers to keep in mind:

Write for Fast Reading

On the web people are looking for information and they want it fast! Web readers don’t read word for word, they skim content trying to get a quick impression of what is being talked about. They scan for the bits they are interested in and tend to ignore the rest. It is important that you design your text so that it can be scanned quickly and so that the key information stands out. An easy way to achieve this is by using lists, short words, sentences and paragraphs while focusing on the keys concepts and avoiding redundant words.

Lower Reading Age and Tone

When writing other forms of text, a legal document for example, we put emphasis on using a higher vocabulary level, when writing for the web this not the case. People will have the tendency to interpret your information as more intelligent and knowledgeable if it is simple and clear to read. Focus on writing as if you are speaking directly to an audience and always use an active (rather than passive) voice.

Don’t Tease

Finally, web readers want to find information right away, so give it to them! This is where the inverted pyramid comes into play: giving your audience what they are looking for at the start and then elaborating with other details later on, no need for any teasing. Use sign posts (headers, sub-headers, summaries) to direct the reader in the right direction and be sure to use bold and underline to have these post signs stand out from the rest of your text.

Not too difficult right? Now the only other way to improve your web writing is to start writing! 😉
