Interview with Safwan Choudhry – How We Access An Audience

Safwan Choudhry - Media Director Ontario - Why Programmatic is the Future of Digital Marketing
Safwan Choudhry
Media Director - Ontario

  With each passing year, the world of digital marketing becomes that much more complexed, that much more challenging, but also that much more exciting.

We recognize that as you’re navigating the world of selling cars, you want to bring customers into the dealership without the complexity of it. While there are various different solutions that are available to you, whether it is online, offline, traditional, nontraditional, binary, non-binary, and there’s all these different terms you have to navigate, we like to think about it in a very simple way.

  With each passing year, the world of digital marketing becomes that much more complexed, that much more challenging, but also that much more exciting.

We recognize that as you’re navigating the world of selling cars, you want to bring customers into the dealership without the complexity of it. While there are various different solutions that are available to you, whether it is online, offline, traditional, nontraditional, binary, non-binary, and there’s all these different terms you have to navigate, we like to think about it in a very simple way.

"How Do We Access an Audience?"
"How Do We Access an Audience?"

There’s a lot of different ways to access audiences. For us it’s less about getting to the finish line but more about carefully thinking about the journey that will get us to closing that deal, to bringing the right people into the dealership, and making sure that those who are not ready to come into the dealership are aware that we are here and ready to serve them.

Now, there really are two key aspects of marketing that you should think about:

There’s push marketing and there’s pull marketing.
What that means is you need to push a message out to people, letting them know that you have great offers, great vehicles and you’re ready to serve people.

Then there’s pull marketing, where you want to pull people in with your message. Those are the people that were going to come to you anyways, you’re just opening the door for them. Before you can actually open the door for those people, you need to push your message out there. The most efficient, prudent and cost effective way to capture the highest quality customers is that push marketing strategy, which is also known as display advertising.

"The Most Efficient Strategy is the Display Advertising"
"The Most Efficient Strategy is the Display Advertising"
Display advertising enables you to target audience based on 3 key factors:

1- Geo-Targeting
You are capturing people based on the topics. If you are a Honda dealership and you want to make sure all those people that are interested in Honda sedans whether it’s the Civic or the Accord, your message is available to them.
Similarly if you’re on the luxury side, whether you’re Mercedes, BMW, Audi, that those brands and your models are available to those people that are actually searching for those specific brands. It goes one step further. You’re able to target people that are actively in market, who have given signals through their behavior, through their intentions, that they’re actively in the market, they are searching.

2- Behavioral Targeting
Right now, they’re going to different vehicles whether it is online review sites, whether it is news organizations like The Globe and Mail, the National Post, Toronto Star, La Presse, because each major newspaper has their own automotive section, whether it’s Huffington Post. As they’re going through that car buying journey, you’re able to target them based on that behavior that they’re showing to you very clearly.

 3- How and Where You Target Them
The third and really, really crucial component is how and where you target them. Through display ads, we can show those ads, whether they are are on a news organization’s website, whether they’re on their favorite sports teams website or whether they’re on their hobby websites. Whether they’re on Yahoo, on Montreal Canadians’ or Toronto Raptors’ website, or even a news organization’s like CNN or CBC, we can target them with a special offer for the vehicle that they’re looking for, for the brand that they were aspiring for or the brands that they’re considering. This enables us to target the right people at a place where they’re interested with a message that is relevant.

"Our Goal is to Maximize Our Client’s Budget"
"Our Goal is to Maximize Our Client’s Budget"

That’s really what’s unique about us. Within our display advertising strategy, our goal is to maximize our client’s budget, but not necessarily doing a spray everywhere message, but finding those key people based on their behaviors, their intentions and where they are browsing, and bringing our client’s message to them in the most relevant manner.
